5 Pool Day Essentials

It’s August in Arizona which means it’s been pool season for about 6 months straight now lol. In my 7 years in Arizona I’ve become a pro at scouting the best public pools in Scottsdale and getting the best self-tanned glow.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve become much more aware of the damage that the sun can do to our bodies, so I’ve done quite a bit of research on sunscreens and the best ways to use them. BUT I also believe your pool bag should have a lot more than just sunscreens and magazines 🙂 See below for my pool day essentials!!


Obviously this needs to happen pre-pool lol. But my favorite self tanner is St. Tropez Express (I did a whole blog post on it here) because it doesn’t come off on my swimsuits and only takes 3 hours to fully activate. I typically do it the night before and shower in the morning before heading to the pool. It leaves the perfect olive/tan glow and I never feel orange after applying it. Just be sure to use the mitt applicator when applying it to ensure you don’t get any blotchiness.

Skin Firming Spray

Omg. GAME. CHANGER. I first found Bliss Fat Girl Slim’s Hide & Glow Sleek Firming and Luminous Tinted Body Spray Medium To Deep Glow in the checkout line of travel-sized products at Sephora and tried it on a whim. You spray it on your legs (or I guess anywhere you want) and blend it in. It has a bit of tint to it similar to makeup, but it blends in really naturally and firms your legs to reduce the appearance of cellulite. So cool. I have it on my legs in the photo below hehe


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!! This brand is my favorite. Ever since I found out I have low blood pressure, my doctor encouraged me to drink electrolytes (which are basically sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphate, chloride & magnesium). At first, I thought you could only get electrolytes from Pedialite or Gatorade lol, but it turns out there are some really cool supplements with way less sugar so you can still get your daily electrolyte fix.

To get technical, according to health.com,  once electrolytes enter our bodies, “they dissolve into positive and negative charges. These charges have two main functions: Regulating the flow of water in and out of cells, and sparking nerve impulses.” (health.com)

So… why I am encouraging you to drink electrolytes, exactly? Electrolytes….

  • Help maintain fluid balance (aka keep you hydrated)
  • Help with muscle functioning & heart health
  • Help with nerve signaling, blood clotting, cell division
  • Keep blood pressure levels stable
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve digestion

So on a day when you’re sitting &  baking in the sun and probably downing a margarita or 5, they’ll help you stay hydrated. I would try and start your morning off with a huge glass of water and mix in the electrolytes. My favorite flavor is the Mixed Berry by Nuun.

Sunscreen (duh)

Ok this one should be obvious. PLEASE apply SPF (waterproof and at least SPF 30) every two hours while you’re at the pool. Sunscreen and sun protection is the MAIN THING you can do to prevent sun spots, wrinkles, and other signs of aging so do your skin a favor and lather up.

  • Replenix Face Sunscreen SPF 50 with Caffeine (for Antioxidants) – I love that it has a slight tint to it. Apply a TABLESPOON amount to your face, neck, ears, and chest 🙂
  • Powdered Makeup Sunscreen – great for adding on top of makeup throughout the day
  • Lip Sunscreen – don’t forget about your lips!!
  • Spray Sunscreen – fair warning, this stuff is hard to blend in and leaves a white film. However, I seriously have the most sensitive skin (I’m allergic to chlorine too) and I’ve never had a reaction from this!

Hair Sun Spray

Did you know your hair suffers from sun damage too?! I found this Pre-Soleil Hair Protection Mist a few years ago and I use it every summer. It contains an invisible UV filter and adds shine too! I’ll even wear it if I plan on wearing a hat and on days when I know I’ll be outside a lot. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Protects your hair from overexposure in the sun
  • Adds shine with the dual-phase spray
  • Minimizes hair color fade
  • Minimizes hair dehydration

Straw Hats

Ok this one is obvious. And you want a straw (as opposed to any other fabric) hat incase it falls in the pool lol. Please wear a hat and protect your face and chest as much as you can. The wider the brim the better!! I linked some of my favorites below.

Happy sunning!
xx Becca

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